I Will Show You THREE Brand New Easy Online Income Methods That I Am Using To Make High Consistent Profit That You Can Start With Today!

ZERO Tech Skills Needed And Very Little Time Required!
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See How To Make $1,000 Per Day


I Will Show You THREE Brand New Easy Online Income Methods That I Am Using To Make High Consistent Profit That You Can Start With Today!

ZERO Tech Skills Needed And Very Little Time Required!

  Click Video To Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!

 We Cannot Guarantee Spots Will Be Open

Pick The Time That Works Best For You to Attend By Clicking the Button Below!

Pick The Time That Works Best For You to Attend By Clicking the Button Below!

  Click Video To Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!

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Hi, my name is Luke and I’m the Co-Founder Of Book Profits
I’ve cracked the code on how to become financially successful with these 3 online methods that you have not heard of!

Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Learn In The Webinar

  • Three Brand New Online Income Generating Methods I'm Using to Create High Consistent Profits!
  • ​How to Automate almost all of it!
  • ​Be massively rewarded, just working part-time!
  • Three Brand New Online Income Generating Methods I'm Using to Create High Consistent Profit month!
  • ​How to Automate almost all of it!
  • ​​Be massively rewarded, just working part-time.
Hi, my name is Luke and I’m the Co-Founder Of Book Profits
I’ve cracked the code on how to become financially successful with these 3 online methods that you have not heard of!

Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Learn In The Webinar

  • Three Brand New Online Income Generating Methods I'm Using to Create High Consistent Profit!
  • ​How to Automate almost all of it!
  • ​Be massively rewarded, just working part-time!
  • Three Brand New Online Income Generating Methods I'm Using to Create High Consistent Profit month!
  • ​How to Automate almost all of it!
  • ​​Be massively rewarded, just working part-time.
HERE'S WHAT Some of Our

 High Earners HAVE TO SAY...

"Even though I've only been it in for a short time I have already had good success already"

"They have honed the system down, they had put he software in place so it made this a manageable business"

"One of the reasons I am successful in this business is because of the amount of support we have after the sale.

"Jon & Luke are the real deal, the software that they offer for research and trades are excellent"

HERE’S WHAT More of our high Earners Are saying


Miami, Florida
​"I absolutely recommend it to other people. It's real and its easy to do, you just have to follow instructions!" ~Bruce
Nashville, Tennessee
"I started making a huge amount of money. And it was quite surprising and I enjoyed the fact there there was a big passive income piece to this." ~Alan
Houston, Texas
"We've done other online businesses in the past and this looked so much easier just because of the market" ~Teri

This is a limited time free webinar!

This new webinar will show you what you need to know on what we do for you to automate nearly everything…while just working part-time.
If Spots Are Full Unfortunately You May Have To Reserve Another Time
If Spots Are Full Unfortunately You May Have To Reserve Another Time


  • If this sounds too good to be true then you were like most people before they started 
  •  We have over 1,000 self employed members who have tried every other online money method before they finally found online success with Book Profits
  • ​Reserve a spot and see for yourself what we do

Book Profits Founders, Jon & Luke

Book Profits Founders, Jon & Luke

  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In The Online Book Selling Industry
  •  They Have Personally Mentored 1000's Of People All Over The World
  • ​Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed
  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In The Online Book Selling Industry
  •  They Have Personally Mentored 1000's Of People All Over The World
  • ​Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed
  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In The Online Book Selling Industry
  • ​​They Have Personally Mentored 1000's Of People All Over The World
  • Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed

Our Massive Team

Our Massive Team

  •  With Over a 1,000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become Their Best
  • ​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software
  • ​Access to Our Facebook Group For Tips and Tutorials
Book Profits, Inc. © 2024, All Rights Reserved


This presentation is entirely free, and will give you a good overview of how to we make money online. At the end of the training, you will have the option to join our community.
This is entirely optional. Results shared on the training video are not typical. Success in business depends on a variety of factors, including skill level, effort, market factors, and much more.
So, no promises or claims are made as to your income potential or lack thereof every business has some risk involved.

  • With Over a 1000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become The Best And Help Everyone Hit Their First 5 And Then 6 Figure Months 
  • ​​​ 3 Weekly Coaching Sessions To Guarantee Your Highest Level Of Success
  • Life Long ​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software
  •  With Over a 1,000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become Their Best
  • ​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software
  • ​Access to Our Facebook Group For Tips and Tutorials
Book Profits, Inc. © 2023, All Rights Reserved


This presentation is entirely free, and will give you a good overview of how to we make money online. At the end of the training, you will have the option to book a call to talk about further paid training options.
This is entirely optional. Results shared on the training video are not typical. Success in business depends on a variety of factors, including skill level, effort, market factors, and much more.
So, no promises or claims are made as to your income potential or lack thereof every business has some risk involved.

  • With Over a 1000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become The Best And Help Everyone Hit Their First 5 And Then 6 Figure Months 
  • ​​​ 3 Weekly Coaching Sessions To Guarantee Your Highest Level Of Success
  • Life Long ​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software


Is There A Limit On Who Can Join?
While we want to make sure everyone in our entire group is achieving profits, we limit the number of members each month due to the high competition of potential members to keep an even flow of monthly members.
Do I Need To Be An Experienced Amazon or E-Commerce Seller?
Absolutely NOT! You can do this business whether you have experience selling on Amazon or not. We teach you everything you need to know to do this business and provide the software to enable you to find the deals, so your prior experience level doesn't matter!
Do I Need To Know How To Drive Traffic or Market Products Online To Be Successful With This?
Absolutely NOT! One of the greatest parts about this business, and why we have such a high success rate with our members, is that you do not need to market your books. We teach you how to find the right books to sell so that sales occur naturally on Amazon and you are able to leverage the marketing of other HUGE companies that drive the demand for the books. You do not have to market them at all!
Do I Need To Have Any Special Skills or Be A Successful Entrepreneur Prior To Doing This?
NOPE! If you can use a browser to purchase books online, then you pretty much have the basic skills needed to do this. Of course, anything else needed is taught to you in our program and you will learn along the way, but there are no special skills or prior success needed to do this! We have plenty of successful members that started with us as their first ever online business!
What Do I Need To Start?
Just an open mind to learn and a desire to be successful! The only thing you will ultimately need is an Amazon Seller account, but we show you were to go and how to get started with that. You do not need one prior to starting our program and it only takes a few minutes to sign up for one when it is time!
How Fast Can I Get Started?
You can get started as fast you want! We encourage you to go through the short basic training first, but you could be buying profitable books the day you join if you wanted to. However, there is no rush, take whatever time you need so that you feel comfortable and then hit the gas to accelerate your growth!
Can I Do This In Any Country or As I Travel?
YES! Another great benefit to this business model is that you can do it anywhere in the world that you have an Internet connection! We have members living in other countries, driving around in RV's and even backpacking in the mountains and still growing their business. We show you how to do this in the program!
How Do I Get Started?
It's easy! Simply book a time using the links on this page to get on a small group call that works for your schedule. Our team members will answer any final questions you have about the program and go over the options for getting started. If you decide to move forward, they can get you started at the end of the call!

Book Profits Founders, Jon & Luke

Book Profits Founders, Jon & Luke

  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In The Online Book Selling Industry
  •  They Have Personally Mentored 1000's Of Seniors All Over The World
  • ​Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed
  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In The Online Book Selling Industry
  •  They Have Personally Mentored 1000's Of People All Over The World
  • ​Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed
  •  Jon And Luke Have 10 Years Of Experience In This Industry
  • ​​They Have Personally Mentored 1,000's Of People All Over The World
  • Their Life Long Goal Is To Help Change Other's Lives To A Life They Never Knew Existed

Our Massive Team

Our Massive Group

  •  With Over a 1,000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become Their Best
  • ​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software
  • ​Access to Our Facebook Group For Tips and Tutorials!
  • With Over a 1,000 Members In Our Group We Teach And Mentor Each Member To Become Their Best
  • ​​​ Access to Our Facebook Group For Tips and Tutorials
  • ​​Access To The Industry Leading Book Selling Software
  • ​​​ ABook Profits, Inc. © 2024, All Rights Reserved